Orders will be dispatched within 24 hours Maximum of confirmed payment. Products will be sent via DHL courier. All shipments are processed through the working week (Monday-Friday), all orders placed through the weekend will be shipped on Monday. Our delivery type is (WORLDWIDE Door to Door DELIVERY) Your items will be delivered to your doorsteps with no extra charges. If you order before 3:00 pm, your item(s) will be shipped the next working day. Depending on the circumstances and the carrier's policy, the Customer may find a note of passage i.e., "left card". If indeed the courier has left a note, the Customer will need to call the carrier in order to arrange a new delivery date. It also might occur that the Customer does not find a note. In this case, it is the Customer's responsibility to track his/her orders online, on the carrier's website, in order to receive information on it as soon as possible.
In order for MANEENUT ELECTRONICS to officially declare a parcel lost, the Customer has ten business days to declare the loss of a parcel starting from the date he or she received the dispatch confirmation e-mail. If the parcel was declared as lost within the above-mentioned time, MANEENUT ELECTRONICS will attend to making a claim with the deliverer. We may eventually require of the Customer additional documents to complete the claim process. In this situation the Customer will then need to send the information as soon as possible.
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